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Почему именно MBA? Пример эссе
Данная статья содержит в себе пример эссе, в котором дается раскрытый ответ на волнующий буквально все бзнес-школы вопрос "Почему Вы выбрали именно МВА?". Предствленный пример основывается на аппликационном эссе для McCombs School of Business.
Explain how obtaining an MBA at the McCombs School of Business will assist you in achieving your personal and/or professional life goals. Why is now the best time for you to pursue this degree?
My resignation from pcOrder.com, a startup focused on providing software and services to the computer industry channel, began a chain of events that led to my current objective of attending business school. I was initially drawn to pcOrder.com by its dynamic culture and fast-paced growth rate. The lure of stock options and the promise of an IPO were appealing as well. As it turned out, the dreams of a successful IPO materialized in February of 1999. The company’s market capitalization skyrocketed overnight. At the time of my resignation, coworkers and friends questioned my sanity. “Why would you leave valuable unvested stock options on the table?” they asked. The reason was simple. I had lost all faith in pcOrder.com’s business model, and I wanted change. A little over one year later, the company’s parent, Trilogy, acquired all outstanding shares of the company at a fraction of their all-time high. Like so many other startups with no viable business plan, pcOrder.com disintegrated after initial sparks of false hope.
Although I learned a great deal and enjoyed my overall experience at the company, some of the difficulties I encountered caused me to question my future in technology. Using some of the money I earned from the sale of my pcOrder.com shares, I took some time off to contemplate which path I should follow next. This gave me the opportunity to visit people and places across the country, while meeting with friends and acquaintances in various fields to discuss their own career paths and seek their advice. Out of this period of introspection came the conclusion that my desire to work with technology was still intact, but that my approach should change.
I began a transition away from the predominantly technical roles I held in the past to the business side of the technology sector. Strategy definition, business analysis, and client interaction were all aspects of business I had worked with previously, but they were never my primary focus. Nevertheless, I began to recognize that these non-technical disciplines both appealed to my interests and engaged a variety of my strengths, from interpersonal skills to problem-solving capabilities. Moreover, my experience at pcOrder.com had shown me that I had valuable business instincts. But these skills require the refinement and development that an MBA program can provide, and combined with my in-depth technical knowledge, they will propel my career to new heights. Specifically, I have decided to pursue a future in business and strategy consulting, focusing on technology-related engagements.
But before jumping headfirst into an MBA program, I sought a consulting position to develop my business skills and gain additional work experience.
A perfect opportunity to begin this transformation arose in the form of an e-business consulting position with Concero, my current employer. During my time with Concero, I have worked with a wide variety of organizations, ranging from large corporations such as American Airlines and Temple-Inland to small technology firms like Collective Technologies and TANTAU. This diverse client portfolio has exposed me to a variety of business models and cultures. Most importantly, this experience has solidified my desire to pursue a career in consulting. What I enjoy most about the consulting world is being the agent of change. Entering an organization with the specific charge of solving business problems through the application of technologies is both challenging and rewarding. I enjoy the process from beginning to end, from diagnosing the issue to overseeing the implementation of my suggestions, and finally hearing reports of the positive results of my contributions. Later in my career, I hope to use the many lessons consulting has to offer to start a venture of my own.
I am ready to understand my diverse set of experiences in their proper context and to build a strong foundation on which to launch my consulting and future business career. The McCombs School’s collaborative and flexible program suits my team-oriented professional background and experiences. I am ready to begin an educational experience that will complete my view of the enterprise and give me the additional general business knowledge I need to succeed in a consulting career.
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