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Путь к успешной сдаче TOEFL. Шаг 11. Идиомы 3
Сегодня мы завершаем наш небольшой экскурс в идиомы. Если Вы планируете сдавать тест совсем скоро, просто пройдитесь по ним еще раз. Если же время терпит, попытайтесь все-таки подучить и разобраться как следует – это пригодиться.
sign in—to sign your name to enter a place:
Visitors must sign in at the front desk before going into the main auditorium.
speak out—to state publicly:
Jones was afraid to speak out when he saw his boss stealing supplies—he didn't want to get in trouble.
speak up—to speak more loudly; to state publicly:
"Please speak up—the rest of the group cannot hear you," Ms. Montgomery told Peter.
Activists argue that we all have the responsibility to speak up wherever we see injustice, or no change will ever take place.
speed up—to increase one's speed:
I have been practicing my reading comprehension with the hope that I will speed up and finish more passages in the time allotted.
step in—to intervene:
The Town Board was forced to step in and put a stop to the development in the area when it was judged to be unsafe.
stick to—to persist:
"Stick to your morals and you'll do a good job," my grandfather always advised.
stick around—to stay:
I think I'll stick around—there's no reason to head home yet.
stop by—to make a brief visit:
Could you stop by the grocery store on your way home from work and pick up a loaf of bread?
stop up—to clog or prevent from moving:
The grease and hair stopped up the sink and Jan had to call a plumber to fix it.
Traffic was stopped up for miles due to that horrible five-car accident.
think better of—to change your mind:
Mark had considered dropping out of school to work, but a discussion with his parents made him think better of it, and he decided to stay in school.
think nothing of—to do without care:
Some people in that town think nothing of throwing all their garbage into the river—don't they know the long-term effects?
think over—to consider:
Every time Steven writes a paper he has to think over his topic for a few days before he even begins to write.
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think through—to consider all the effects:
"You obviously did not think through what would happen to you if you pulled that fire alarm," Principal Skinner told Marie.
tied up—busy; unavailable for use:
Mr. Jones cannot come to the meeting this afternoon—he'll be tied up downtown until 7:00 p.m.
Since most of their money was tied up in long-term investments, Jan and Mark couldn't spend any of it.
turn down—to refuse; to lower:
The Smiths were turned down for a loan because of their poor credit history.
turn off —something that disgusts a person:
"Guys who only talk about themselves are such a turn off the magazine article proclaimed.
turn over—transfer:
By law, attorneys must turn over evidence to the court so that both sides may have a chance to review it.
turn to—to go to for guidance or inspiration:
Many teenagers turn to their friends and family to help them decide where to attend college.
turn up—to find or uncover:
It's always a good idea to browse the shelves in a library when you arc doing a research paper—you never know what you may turn up.
up against—confronted with:
In spite of being up against strong opposition from the larger British forces, the United States won the Revolutionary War.
up to date—current:
Her clothes are always so stylish and up to date—she must read all the fashion magazines.
wake up—to rouse from sleep or inactivity:
The young Americans of the 1960s sent a wake up call to the country to get involved and work for change.
Young children may wake up at any time in the middle of the night.
Небольшое упражнение:
1. "Pick one topic and___it throughout your term paper."
(A) stick around
(B) step on one's toes in
(C) stick to
(D) pull out of
2. "I'm in a real rush now, but___ later and I'll have more time to talk."
(A) stop by
(B) drop out
(C) turn over
(D) turn off
3. Jane was___with work and couldn't be here.
(A) up to date
(B) tied up
(C) filled up
(D) touched up
4. Smitty felt that people who were rude were a real ___.
(A) turnoff
(B) turn down
(C) turn over
(D) stop up
5. Patty always sets her alarm so that she can -___at 8:00 a.m.
(A) think over
(B) write down
(C) think through
(D) wake up
6. The beginning of the second book brings the reader ___ with what happened in the first book.
(A) up over
(B) up to date
(C) up against
(D) think over
7. At our school no one would even think to ___ against the administration for fear of getting in trouble.
(A) step in
(B) sign in
(C) speak out
(D) step up
8. Always a quiet boy, John was too. shy to
___ in class.
(A) speed up
(B) step down
(C) speak up
(D) step in
Ответы для предыдущего урока: H d a b I g c I
А начало было здесь:
Путь к успешной сдаче TOEFL. Шаг 1. Знакомимся с тестом
Путь к успешной сдаче TOEFL. Шаг 2. Стратегия выбора ответа
Путь к успешной сдаче TOEFL. Шаг 3. 5 правил подготовки к аудированию
Путь к успешной сдаче TOEFL. Шаг 4. Объекты тестирования Listening Section
Путь к успешной сдаче TOEFL. Шаг 5. Смысловое ударение
Путь к успешной сдаче TOEFL. Шаг 6. Разговорный английский
Путь к успешной сдаче TOEFL. Шаг 7. Клише
Путь к успешной сдаче TOEFL. Шаг 8. Омонимы
Путь к успешной сдаче TOEFL. Шаг 9. Идиомы
Путь к успешной сдаче TOEFL. Шаг 10. Идиомы 2
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